Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

W. Shanx

My dear friend William has a great deal of ideas about creativity, and will tell you all about it if you ask him. I recommend it. For now, you can look at these things:

His Tumblr
I really like this one he did of Gabriela-so stormy!      
This fractal shows itself every time I channel.  I vibrated out a bunch then went back and gave familiar form to the marks.
I'd like to go to here.

"Hi," Wordsalad


I'm a muted brown with sexual overtones. 

I have crevices where my knees connect. 

There are little tiny things where nothing should go. 

There are sepia stains when I yawn too long and dashes of crinkling when I go to bed. 

All of this would be tolerable were it not for the flashes of insight I experience on a daily basis.

Correct not the sins of others lest they too come to the warpath.

In the daytimes I enjoy twisting words and ravishing stew.

I seek good news. 

If one of you would be so kind as to finish my sentences...

I've gone down that road before, be sure, be sure.

Still, if I may have one more for commode, let it be in the place we least expect

And follow it will from night to day, you can't be a fool unless proven otherwise.