I had a crush on a boy in elementary school for several years. He was blonde, blue-eyed and freckled. He was always cracking jokes and doing silly voices. When I confessed to my best friend that I had it bad, she developed a crush on him too, and we began competing.
She eventually began to like his best friend better. His best friend liked her back, and in fifth grade they wanted to go on a date. But because that was still a scary, potentially embarrassing and tricky-with-parents prospect, they secretly convinced the boy I liked to ask me out, so they wouldn't be alone. On the last day of school, the boys approached my friend and I and asked if we wanted to go see a movie. Then they asked what movie we'd like to see. My stomach lurched, because unlike these latchkey kids, I wasn't yet allowed to see PG-13 movies. I was not 13 yet, and my mom would research online even the PG-rated movies I wanted to see. My friend responded immediately, "Lost World, Lost World, Lost World," referring to the "Jurassic Park" sequel that had just come out. I kicked the dirt and said I wasn't going to be allowed to see that, could we pick another? But no. So they went.
I went to figure skating camp for most of the summer, not knowing they had already gone on this date without me. I was just thrilled that I had finally "gotten" my crush. As far as I was concerned, he was now my boyfriend. So I wrote him a letter from camp, expressing my excitement that he liked me, that I had liked him for a long time, and that when I got back from camp we should hang out. I never got a letter back, but then most kids didn't write letters to each other. It was a bold, adult move for me.
When I got home from camp, one of the kids from school had a summer pool party. My best friend was going, as were the two boys. Since my crush hadn't written back, I determined to play it cool, just show up in a sexy-for-middle-school bikini, act fun and hopefully get my first kiss.
I walked over to the pool where the two boys were and dipped my toes in. Catching sight of me, my crush said, loud enough for everyone at the party to hear, "You...sent me...the most disgusting letter!"
Six years later, I showed up to his school's prom with a boy I'd grown up with, was practically my brother, but had also gotten very attractive. I don't mind mentioning I'd become a hottie as well, and was wearing a bright red fitted gown with plunging back. I hadn't seen most of the people at that school (I had gone to a private high school, away from all these neighborhood trolls), and I received many compliments, most notably from said crush. I was cool, and acted confused as to why he was even speaking to me, then proceeded to flash big smiles as my childhood buddy and I got silly on the dance floor.