Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Two-Door Vampire Pearls

Though clearly I don't like him enough to actually attend any of his band's shows (damn my work schedule!), my friend Ryan of the DC band Typefighter showed me a great video by Two Door Cinema, a trio of shamelessly eyebrowless Irishmen. Their video showcases these bare-browed boys' creativity. (Okay, so only the ginger doesn't have eyebrows. They're still unbearably adorable).

And from the same horse's mouth comes news of some grunge resurfacing in the form of catchy, almost pop-punk (spare me the Hit the Lights, Four Year Strong, et. al.) only better because they're not still obsessed with the girls who broke their hearts ten years ago, or the roommate who shafted them out of three hundred bucks. Actually, I don't know that for sure. What I do know is that Pearl Jam's new single "The Fixer" is surprisingly awesome. Observe.

The next Showgasm undoubtedly will be Beach House opening for Vampire Weekend at Merriweather Post Pavilion on September 11. I don't even want to comment on the obvious awesomeness of this since I may not still be in the area. In fact, but for this show, I have all fingers crossed that I won't be. But tarry not, for sell-out is imminent!

1 comment:

  1. Ridiculously surprised at Pearl Jam still writing sweet "Nevermind"-era sounding songs.
