Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Brilliance of Others

If I can be egotistical about anything, it's how freaking talented the people around me are. Musicians, artists, wordsmiths, they are mythical creatures that exist in a world of extraordinariness I am just lucky enough to stand next to. Here's a few of these examples.
Ms. Sands

This lady Carabella Sands is truly among the faerie people. She evokes whimsy, punctured innocence, devilish obsession with small things. She is my muse, my flame. This is her flickster.


Then recently, I also was lucky enough to watch my friend record and produce this album by a couple of Aussie-expatriate-turned-Baltimoreans calling themselves Smoke Bellow. Beautiful album.

Smoke Bellow--Old Haunts

Narcissa at the farmer's market
And then just the other day, my newly-Californian Narcissa launched her blog concerning hydroponic sustainable gardening, reasons to run, and advocating food rage. 

Exploring in Paradise

Another friend of mine, Michael Voorhis (not "Matt" as the tag suggests), read from his novel Jaw Pieces on the MICA radio show Sound Curtain. It's beyond extraordinary.


 Then, yes, I do actually have an opportunity to self-promote. This isn't a game-changer, this isn't poetry, this is barely even good, but I did read it on Sound Curtain a couple weeks ago. I also read it once at the weekly Artichoke Haircut open mic. It's fun to read.
I'm a slave 4 U


Narcissa may be in a sensory paradise of sun and sand and fresh air, but we've been watching Baltimore experience an artistic renaissance that I venture beats the hell out of our Big Red Delicious Protruding FameRocket TimeWarner Machine.

Listen--look--be inspired.

Long live art for art's sake. 

1 comment:

  1. Karl and I are enjoying your story. And that is the damn cutest picture of LateNightConverseKitchenBaking ever. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive ;)
