Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Lion and the Scorpion Are Friends

I'm the jerk who has never listed the birthdays of the most important friends in my life, and have noticed only through Facebook when I've already missed it. But I hope that as I do, my Leo friends will consider this entire phase of their constellation their celebratory time, and accept my thorough albeit belated wishes for a benevolent universe to smile on them.

In that vein, I noticed that I missed two birthdays of import, both bearing the Leo zodiac sign. I don't know anyone who chooses friends or lovers based on this alone, but it's always interesting to take note of the patterns that one seems to attract.

 First, a brief summary of the personality traits, drawn from various sources and condensed based on recurring themes.

Scorpio: Water sign. Passionate, magnetic, stubborn, brave, fiercely loyal; prone to jealousy, distrust based on gut impressions, violent. Controlled by Mars and Pluto, Mars/war, Pluto/secrecy, intelligence, desire power, drawn to the sensual and darkly sexual.

Leo: Fire sign. Charismatic, dramatic, creative, outgoing. When she enters the room, everyone takes notice. Fiery and self-assured. Controlled by the Sun/self, warmth, radiation, ego. Joyful, humorous, and boasting a regal manner, Leo loves time with friends and is a sun-worshiper.

One can see some striking similarities, most notably the curious magnetism surrounding both signs. Both are extremely confident and passionate signs, often to great effect together. This reflects what I notice about these two friends, that wherever we go together, we do not go unnoticed. We seem to control the room and everyone in it. The Scorpio admires and encourages Leo's spotlight and radiating warmth, content to watch it all go down. These two friends of mine are gorgeous, scene-stealers, and we often end up with a few tagalongs at bars and clubs. I often become violently jealous of their attention, and resentful of these unremarkable hangers-on who are understandably attracted to my friends.

As Pluto influences the idea of regeneration and rebirth in a Scorpio, the life-giving and energetic Sun characteristics of a Leo are in this way complimentary.

It's not a coincidence that my latest song, "Sister Narcissa," about one of these friends, has the lines, You tell me I'm lovely/I tell you you're gorgeous...I'm better in your eyes/you're better in mine.

Mutually desiring of respect and admiration, these two signs can totally boost each other. This might explain the often "buzzed" feeling I get after spending time with either of these ladies...at least in part.

I like best this passage on our compatibility:

"The best aspect of the Leo-Scorpio friendship is their mutual dedication to each other and the activities in which they participate. Both Signs have very powerful, yet strategically different, personalities. They are seen as a strong pair by others, and their mutual commitment to fulfilling their goals makes theirs a powerful friendship." (http://www.wate.com/global/Story.asp?s=4512454)

There is talk on other sites of the aspect of these two being "fixed signs," and prone to disagreements and clashes due to mutual stubbornness, or Leo's propensity for free expression of opinions and Scorpio's reticence and strong dislike of divulging secrets. But I often find the opposite is true, that I'm the brash one talking a blue streak, and my lovely Leo nevertheless respecting my passion, letting me speak and say all sorts of jerky things, and responding with warmth and intelligence to shine a bit of sunlight in my dark recesses. I find that the strong mutual respect shared between us overrides our desires for independence, for power and spotlight.

In summary, a very happy belated birthday to my beautiful Lionesses. I am more because of you, and I only hope I can prove to be the kind of friend who returns this exponentially.

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