Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What to Eat

Seems like everyone's a foodie these days, or else you are an anti-foodie. Whatever gets you off is tickled by the following observations:

Snow White:

1. Don't be fooled by some hack cookbook writer who tells you you can cook if you only have too many eyes on your arms and not enough on your face. It simply will not work out.

Photo: Munchies
2. Eat donuts in excess only a few times a year. Then make food porn of it for the Internet to chomp on while you're in detox.

Photo: Don't u eat that!! #zappa
Yella Snow


Photo: ...five hours of this at $9/hr...would you?

 4. This book taught me that my breakfast cereal is a delicious, libido-enhancing way to start my day, with the knowledge that I am cool.

5. https://www.facebook.com/Nutella

Photo: I--I--just...!!

6. I wants to eat this with a spoon^

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