Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Exquisite Corpse by Exquisite Tutors

Two sonnets written by the tutors and staff at the MICA Writing Studio and Learning Resource Center last week.

For those not in the know, Exquisite Corpse is a parlor game for writers, wherein someone writes a line and folds the paper down before passing it to the next person to add a line and so on. Our group wrote two, the first in this fashion, each person folding down their line before passing it to the next person, and in the second one we could see only what the person before us had written. Like literary mad libs, and just as strange and then suddenly profound.

Sonnet 1

ForĂȘt de Monet
if it storms, the broccoli can come in.
To the extent of nose-laughing
someone’s in a pig sty murmuring of painted salamanders
that nurse, she shot me
oh, the twinkle in the eyes of an Irishman!
The sun is like tourmaline
a churchy girl told me the bee that hit my eye was Satan
it’s all a bunch of baloney!
I cleared the corner of all the spider babies, so scary.
Crashes like schizoid sheep against the holding gate.
Now I’m feathering about in a sandbox in Cape Cod next to broken red Tonkas
because really sometimes that’s just where you are.

Sonnet 2

I’ve developed cross-species feelings
without knowledge, consent, or any thought why
she picked rotten oranges from the ground and placed them on the dining room table
as an art installation watching the various stages of mold and decomposition set in.
I gotta get outta this room. I’m done being a patient.
I’m done arranging roses into the speakeasy anatomy of epics, dead or alive
my fingers crack like plaster, skin falls like suede petals
with seams stitched with dry grass.
Sow then
dragged the traffic cone down North Ave
I did think of the exploration trip to the blue hills
our communal coke cans have started to rust
oh, the rusty limbs of coke cans!
are delicious to lick…

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