Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Nothing is sweeter to my ears than when electronic music decides to get a little nasty with it and drops a sweet groove. Mm. This is something I appreciate from the likes of Beck, for instance, whose determination to really rock the weird works out somehow. Animal Collective, a prime example of weird gone very right, has even been known to section off their big wall o' sound into respectable grooves. My good buddy DiGangi introduced me to this band General Elektriks, whose album "Good City for Dreamers" just dropped Nov. 11. I won't go into my usual platitudes on the subject, but suffice to say I heard the first few chords of "Raid the Radio" at our mutual place of work, and I had to march right up to him to ask about it. It's there on the Myspace. They're based in Berkeley, CA, but the brains behind the project, Frenchman Herve Salters, has toured with the likes of Blackalicious and DJ Shadow. It seems the dude can bring the funk, and I'm inclined to appreciate that.

In related, super-awesome news, I'm seeing Mew open for none other than the Pixies tomorrow night at Constitution Hall! The Boston legends will be playing songs off "Dolittle," for the 20th anniversary of the album, so we'll all have flashbacks of nineties nostalgia no doubt (and thank God I'm taking DiGangi, who has this Judd Nelson thing going on) But equally exciting will be Mew playing from their new album, and will hopefully play that super awesome song I blogged about earlier. Best fifty bucks I will ever have spent, other than that one time...

1 comment:

  1. How was the Pixies show? I hate myself for missing it - if you wanted to put up reviews/war stories from DC gigs, I'd def read them. Did you catch Frank Black when Grand Duchy played Black Cat? Best half-empty $15 gig I ever saw.
