Sweet treats for the literary, the musical, the feminine, and the generally filthy.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sweet T-Shirts from MOFO

When I finally dragged myself away from the beach last Thursday, I ended up at a launch party for a new line of shirts at MOFO (Merchants Of Fine Objects) in Cairns. They have a fun little shop on McLeod St., complete with blinking skulls and an array of some locally-designed, in-housescreen-printed shirts. I bought three, and it'll be a fun guessing game as to which ones...

Yes, correct: the Love Bomb shirt, the piano chick shirt, and an older print involving happy dancing monsters on bright yellow T. And yes, they *do* deliver to the States! No more "Broke is the New Black" or that ironic barcode shirt you still think is oh-so ironical...these shirts are metaphysically endowed, on a scholarship from the School of Transcendental Nonthink and awarded grant money from phyllosoftsicle higher-ups. Don't go looking for better. You won't find it. And everyone will be jealous.

Even cooler is the fact that the owner, Sam Tupou is good friends with my sister, whose good friend, and his partner, Ania Ganowicz is responsible for many of these awesome designs, including the piano chick, who happens to be her best friend from Poland. Lovely people + lovely T-shirts = legend.

I also got to hear a bitchin' OZ band called Beware Wolf (be wear word play). Their self-disparaging attitude came off charming and their chops came off badass, especially considering they're still green around the edges. I was pleased to hear some keys alongside screamopop, and it was no surprise that they'd been playing together a while 'cause the drummer was actually watching the axes. They even brought their own fans, including a redhead in Mini Mouse ears. And to date they're the only people who think being from DC is kind of awesome, given our history. For which I wasn't alive. But am aware, very aware, yes indeed. Long live The Cicada Killers!!!

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